Registration Information for NFAA members wanting to register for USAA shoots

Please pass this along to any NFAA members who are looking to register for USA Archery events being hosted on USAA Sport80.

Creating an account

  1. Go to
  2. Click on ‘Don’t have an account?’
  3. Fill in Name, email, password, date of birth, gender and then click register

Add NFAA Membership to account

  1. Log into USA Archery account
  2. Click on ‘Memberships’ within your personal account
  3. Click ‘Add Membership’
  4. Add ‘Existing NFAA Membership Validation’
  5. Enter NFAA membership number and click ‘Add’

Add NFAA Temporary Membership for Events

  1. Log into USA Archery account
  2. Click on ‘Memberships’ within your personal account
  3. Click ‘Add Membership’
  4. Add ‘USA Archery Temporary Membership’
  5. For membership type select ‘NFAA Temporary’
  6. Select the event you are participating in, complete the form and check out


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Web site and contents created by the Florida Archery Association
Copyright © 2023 Florida Archery Association, All rights reserved.
Revised:Jul 19, 2023.